Our aim is to help the chemical industry in their sustainability journey by re-using and re-purposing molecules. We provide carefree solutions for by-products, side streams, heavy ends, spent catalyst, bottoms and many more (inorganic and organic), by upgrading their application and avoiding disposal. 

About Reflow Solutions.

Many chemical processes create undesired by-products and chemical plants have the challenge of finding a home for their side streams, heavy ends, distillation bottoms, spent catalyst etc. These inorganic and organic molecules often end up being disposed of, incinerated or used as feed for the onsite boiler house. Reflow Solutions has the knowledge and experience to upgrade many of these products to more valuable applications.

We realize that our customers require carefree solutions (no hassle, no burden, fully compliant and full service) and that it is critical that their production processes never see any impact of repurposing these molecules.  Reflow Solutions is part of the Storm Group which has more than 75 years experience in the chemical industry through their industrial services company Storm Industriediensten.

The chemical industry is on a journey to become more sustainable and resource efficient as hydrocarbons are too valuable to use in low end applications. We believe that sustainability is easier to achieve when there are explicit economic advantages directly connected to it. Reflow Solutions helps the chemical industry become more sustainable by upgrading products to higher end applications and providing better economic returns for them. Reflow Solutions is also Responsible Care® compliant since we support the circular economy by enhancing life-cycle resource efficiency and reduce waste through the carefree solutions we offer.   

Let us know which by-products, side streams, off-streams, spent catalyst, heavy ends, distillation bottoms or any undesired molecules you have and we will strive to provide you a carefree solution at improved economic returns.

Contact us.